History of EIMCo

History of EIMCo
EIMCo was founded by Rick & Mary Hoffman in 1992. The company started out in Dyersville with two employees, Rick, and his brother Jamie Hoffman. Although EIMCo became a reality in 1992, dreams of the company took shape years before. Rick started working in a machine shop shortly after high school graduation in 1976. Ambition, intelligence, and honesty contributed to his rapid progression from machinist to foreman to manager, and finally to owner.
The joy of starting a new business was lessened greatly by the death of Rick’s father, Bill Hoffman, who died in a car accident just weeks before EIMCo opened in 1992. Bill did tour the Dyersville building and had done much “behind the scenes” to help, but he never saw the business start-up. Bill is sadly missed by Rick’s mother, Toots, and the entire family. He would have been proud of EIMCo.
Rick and Mary are eternally grateful for the constant support of their families and for their employees, who took a chance by coming to work for an unproven business. These people started during the years when EIMCo was just a “dirty little machine shop.” It is Rick and Mary’s hope that the way they run the business reflects their appreciation for hard work and dedication.
EIMCo will also forever appreciate customers such as the late Merlin Simon of American Iowa Manufacturing, Gary Lorber of Replica Sales and Engineering, and Kim Brown of Thombert, Inc. Because these people were willing to take a chance on a new business, EIMCo began to grow and expand.
The company relocated to Farley in 1999 and, over the years, has grown and expanded to employ approximately 150 people working three shifts in a shop of over 130,000 square feet.